Author Archives: Brittany Foster

SEO Basics: Digital Content Formatting

You may think that search engine optimization (SEO) is all about words, but that’s only part of what makes a given… Read More

SEO Basics: Headings (H1s, H2s, & H3s)

Headings (sometimes called headers) may seem like they aren’t important enough to affect your content’s performance in search results, but that couldn’t be farther from… Read More

How to Update Evergreen Content

Evergreen content may last longer than trend-centered content, but unlike its namesake, it doesn’t just care for itself over the years. No matter how timeless… Read More

SEO Basics: Anchor Text Best Practices

What is anchor text? Anchor text is the word (or words) that you use to link to another webpage. Typically, it’s underlined and highlighted in… Read More

3 Ways to Use Google for Free Keyword Research

You can’t really have a great SEO strategy without keyword research. After all, keywords are a fundamental… Read More

How to Write a Blog Post for SEO

In reality, you can write a blog post any way you like. From listicles and microblogs to how-to guides and definitions,… Read More

SEO Basics: What is External Linking?

Links are a major part of search engine optimization (SEO). We’ve talked about internal links and… Read More

SEO Style Guides: What Are They and Do I Need One?

There was a time when everyone thought that robots were going to take over content writing jobs across the internet, making digital writers irrelevant. As… Read More

How to Optimize SEO Content for Different Countries

Although search engine optimization (SEO) best practices are generally the same no matter where you are, there are ways that you… Read More

SEO Basics: Follow and No Follow Links

Links are an important part of search engine optimization (SEO). They’re one of the biggest ranking factors… Read More