Author Archives: Brittany Foster

SEO Basics: Substantive Editing, Copy Editing, and Proofreading

You may be surprised to learn that editing is a very important part of search engine optimization (SEO). High-quality content should… Read More

The Best Free SEO Learning Resources

Once upon a time, I managed a team of in-house content writers, and most of them joined my team with little-to-no search engine optimization (… Read More

SEO Basics: Internal Linking

There are two main types of linking in search engine optimization (SEO): internal and external. This time… Read More

8 Creative Ways to Get High-Quality Backlinks

Link building is a very important, but very time-consuming, part of search engine optimization (SEO). Getting high-quality… Read More

SEO Basics: What Is Link Building?

Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t just about learning how to get your content to show in search results, it’s also about… Read More

SEO Basics: What is Duplicate Content?

If you’ve worked in SEO for any amount of time, you’ve probably come across the term “duplicate content”. And although it may cause many content… Read More

SEO Basics: Technical SEO

On the surface, search engine optimization (SEO) may seem simple. After all, it’s just writing content with certain keywords in it, right? Not… Read More

Primary and Secondary Keywords in SEO

A lot of people make the mistake of only focusing on one keyword in their search engine optimization (SEO) content. But,… Read More

How to Check Open Graph and Twitter Card Previews

Whether you’re writing a microblog or creating a brand new product page as part of your sales… Read More

SEO Basics: Title Tags

Title tags are important for any webpage, whether you care about SEO or not. In this post, I answer some of the most common questions… Read More